Tuesday, 10 May 2011


What is the purpose of this blog some might ask? This blog has been created as not only a way to express my love of the creative world, but also to allow others to share their thoughts and relate their own beliefs on art - whether if it is only holding a paint-brush, or a world filled with colour, movement and passion.

I designed this blog to be a compilation of short biographical posts, to allow people to understand not only the art, but also the artist and why they create such works. By presenting their artworks in a simplistic layout with images, I made the posts more inviting, as to create an illusion that the posts are short, thus appear more inviting and intriguing with pictures of the subjects' artworks.
I also chose a broad range of artists to appeal to a larger audiences of bloggers by creating a connection with their personal interests.
All of these people and subjects I have covered does not cover each artist's values, but also self-expression and how it has helps mold and inspire people. Street art teaches people about the positives and negatives of defiance and to stand up for your beliefs, while Johnathan Griffiths teaches that the only one that can claim yourself as a professional is you. Nick Knight proves that you never have to stick to one particular style of form to be renowned for your work, while Brittney Lee has shown that you never have to put away your childhood to become an adult, rather that you need it.

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